Friday, October 18, 2013

A little more on this month's working woman!

Last week we talking about Yenory Garcia's thoughts on dieting, this week lets find out a little more....
 we all want Love, a Career, and our bodies took lok good, How does Yenory do it?

2. how do you manage to workout, have a social life, and maintain a relationship?

I make time for what is important. I have five priorities in my life (Church, Spending Time with Loved ones, Work, Working out, Work and School). Everything else accommodates around those priorities. That means I say no to some things because they are simply not that important to me. I wake up by 6:30am on a daily basis (including weekends) and maximize my days as much as I can. I workout wherever I am! My boyfriend also shares my love for fitness! We workout together and workout when we are not together because it is important to us. I try to live a balanced life and I find my balance in working out, spending time with my family and my awesome BF.
Stay focused Party Girls and you will make your way to Love, Work, and Body!
Don't forget to check back all  month and find out more about Yenory Garcia!
Love and Sweat,
Myah Symone

Friday, October 11, 2013

Even Mommy's are Party Girl Fit..

Meet Christy Joy or as she is known on IG @babyfatboss!

The number 1 excuse I here from women is "I have kids, I cant find the time to work out" or "I'm pregnant, I can only walk the treadmill" But guess who Party Girl Fit found! The answer to all of your questions about, how to find the time with kids, and how to get that workout in while pregnant. as a mother of two and expecting a third, Christy Joy is the answer to all the mommy questions! check out what she had to say below:

Q: What is your take on dieting and staying healthy?
A: I think diets only last as long as you stay on them but they're normally so drastic that they becomes increasingly difficult to maintain. I think health is a combination of diet, exercise and R&R (rest and recovery (this isn't factoring in illness outside of our control). To stay healthy you definitely have to have a good balance of those things, diet being #1.

Q: Do you enjoy life and all it has to offer?
A: Everyday I'm grateful I'm still here and thank God for the safety and well being of my family. So, yes, I love life.
Q: Do you workout to stay healthy, do you workout for the enjoyment?
A: I workout for a variety of reasons: Health, enjoyment, structure, sanity, etc.
Q: How do you manage to be a mom, be with child, and workout?
A: I do the best I can but it can be a struggle. When it comes to working out I just don't give myself an option. It's not recreational. I wake up, brush my teeth, workout; it's in the daily routine.
Q. Whats your favorite exercise?
A: My favorite exercise is the one I hate--burpees. They get you ready for everything.
Q: How can moms be confident and comfortable with working out while pregnant?
A: It's great if they have a head start by working out pre-pregnancy. But also making sure the baby is strong, secure and healthy before moving forward. Once that's established, listen to your body, stay hydrated, never allow yourself to be breathless and have fun!!!!
Don't let the excuse be "I can't workout because of the kids". Let the excuse be "I have to workout, because, I have kids!".
If you have more questions check out Christy on
IG: @babyfatboss
Kik: babyfatboss
Love and Sweat,
Myah Symone

Sunday, October 6, 2013

October's Working Woman who Worksout!

As successful women the number one problem with staying sexy and living a healthy and happy lifestyle, is finding the time to fit everything in! How do we work 40 hours (or more), find love, stay healthy, look healthy, and remain the life of the party?

Well each month Party Girl Fit will feature one woman that masters all these things and some times more! Giving you a little motivation and guidance on how you can fit in all the luxuries of being a woman, and looking good while doing it!

 This months Working Woman is Yenory Garcia. As the founder of iAmHealthyFit , a current graduate student, active in a committed relationship, and many other extracurricular activities she has kept fitness, fun and love major priorities in her life. Check out below as we sat down with Yenory to find out how she manages to be Party Girl Fit!

Q: what is your take on dieting and staying healthy? Do you enjoy life and all it has to offer? Do you workout to stay healthy or do you workout for the enjoyment?


A: I don’t really believe in dieting I believe in changing your lifestyle to fit your health needs and happiness. If when you see yourself in the mirror you don’t like what you see, then change your lifestyle to permanently be the person you will be happy with. I love to be active, it is my stress reliever and it just happens that looking fabulous is an added bonus! I love to go out and have fun and I LOVE food! I started working out because of health reasons, but now I do it more out of enjoyment. I love running and when I don’t do it, I don’t feel balanced, it’s like I am addicted!

check back next to find out how Yenory manages her schedule!
Love and Sweat,
Myah Symone

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sexy arms ya'll....

Hey Party Girls,

Try this stuff! you can use weights, gallon juice, shampoo! no excuses andything that has a little weight! stay tuned for my post about good low calorie brunch spots with unlimited drinks!!!!!!
Love and Sweat,
Myah Symone